Just when you thought you’d seen it all, someone went and made jewelry for people with thigh gaps. As if having that often-coveted space between the thighs wasn’t reward enough, this handcrafted jewelry going for around $200 is meant to accentuate and even celebrate the skinny women who can actually pull it off.

However, for those daring enough to glance through the collection of tgapj.com and go so far as to add any of the pieces to their cart, they will discover there’s a catch. You see, you can’t actually order the thigh gap jewelry. Nope, when you go to “checkout” you get a pop-up stating that “TGap Jewelry is a fictional company that sells jewelries designed for thigh gaps. It is launched to catalyze a debate on unrealistic body image social media portrays.” Very clever! Even we did a double take on this one.

Thigh Gap Jewelry


Go to the Website – tgapj.com